Monday, April 11, 2011

Girls are like Candies: How to deal with Identity Crisis

I am a girl. Now, that's a good start. I can say that I am normal but not typical. How confusing that might be, there's a difference in between. You see, while being typical is fitting in a group and being labeled as 'one of them', normal is like a river, where you simply go along with the flow but still end up at a different shore.

I am almost 15 by the time I posted this. And with the short time I have been in this world, I can already prove that I have experienced well, let's not say "a lot of things" but rather "much." I know, adults know better in this type of matter. But let's say, it's time to see the other angle of the story from the people you least expected to hear it from ---The Teens.

Well, personally speaking, I have a sweet tooth for treats and pastries. And one time, while I was indulging, a thought suddenly popped up in my mind--Girls are like Candies. And it's not because we are deliciously edible or something because Dude, what you're thinking is dramatically gross. *laughs* Kidding aside, indeed, us girls are like candies. There are tons of reasons to explain why. Probably because we are sweet in our own little way. But the best thing to describe it is because us females are often grouped and separated according to taste, style, and specially, looks. Here are some of them:

  • The sugar-coated ones- Commonly, those who are usually regarded as caring and comforting.
  • The Marshmallows- Respectively speaking, they are sensitive ones who are usually touched and overwhelmed by simple things.
  • The sweet gummies- Two words, "flirticious plastics."
  • The sour gummies- The ever loved and ever famous Bitches and Whores. (Sarcasm included)
  • The gumballs- The often misunderstood ones. Those who give the impression of being hard but deep inside, they have the heart of an affectionate hero. I salute these people.
  • The hard candies with surprise center- The epic ones. Seriously, these people are genius. Who would ever think about putting a luscious filling inside a already well-flavored candy?
  • The popping candies- The unpredictable ones. Some are surprisingly good but others are irritatingly hurting in the tongue. Once they popped, they can never stop.
  • The dragees- These women might be the "girl next door" type because of their "sweetheart-like" attitude but one can never guess. They seem really normal but in reality, an extraordinary quality lies beneath those awesome damn looks.

Obviously, I cannot mention every type of candy in the Wonka Factory. But these classifications are merely the result of a teenage girl's passion for sweets. I do not intend to change or misjudge other people's perspective about women...or candies. The only purpose for me to say what I said and supposed to say is the fact that I, myself, is a woman who also experiences difficulty in finding the real me, just like what other females do.

It isn't important where you belong or how you are classified. What matters the most is you stand out for yourself. Indeed, women are like candies. There are times when people prefer to eat this type rather than the other type. But in the end, one person or the other would come along and choose a different kind--and that might turn out to be You. Identity Crisis is merely the time when a woman tries to find who she really is. A day or two is not enough. It can take weeks, months, or even years, but what's essential is you get to know what you want-- what you really want.

You don't have to be typical. Be normal.

P.S: To the readers who read this, just comment what type of candy are you, or you can also tell your friends what type of treat are they (but don't say what it means.)
P.P.S: If you think I missed one special type of candy, just add the definition by yourself and let me know.